There are tons of great ways to use our 2-minute Creativity Prompts! Here are some suggestions how our prompts can help various individuals and groups with their creativity:

  • To engage emotional engagement in classrooms

  • To deepen discussion at meetings and gatherings

  • To improve work-place morale and camaraderie


This Creativity Prompt helps you gain clarity on the big WHY for your work. Why do we have specific dreams for our lives?

What if what we imagine becomes our reality?

And if our imaginings become reality, shouldn't we get specific about our dreams and goals?

This Creativity Prompt helps you envision better outcomes:

-- Pretend you've received a thank you letter from your future self.

-- What actions did you take that the future you is grateful for?

-- What benefits are they enjoying in the future because of your efforts now?

Meet your Muse

Meeting your muse would help you articulate and refine your artistic goals by tapping into the wellspring of inspiration that resides within.

This writing prompt -- with a twist -- will help you uncover and get more clarity your artistic goals.